Dr. Birger’s outfit is gemaakt door Evita Ative en gefotografeerd door Marcel van der Vlugt. Rio (2007) lounge chair door Elena Goray is onderdeel van de installatie.



Dr. Birger by Appointment is een serie van gesprekken en tekensessies in een installatie setting. Deze keer zullen de dialogen met Dr. Birger focussen rondom isolatie, connectiviteit en onderlinge afhankelijkheid. Dr. Birger zal de gesprekken met bezoekers visualiseren, zij neemt hierbij haar eigen gevoelens en acties mee in de tekeningen die zij tijdens het gesprek maakt.


Dr. Birger is een alter ego van kunstenaar Irina Birger.





Dr.Birger by Appointment is a series of conversations and character sessions in an installation setting. This time the dialogues with Dr. Birger will focus on isolation, connectivity and interdependency. Dr. Birger will visualize the conversations with visitors, taking her own feelings and actions into account in the drawings she makes during the conversation.


IRINA BIRGER, Nieuw Dakota 2021


Dr.Birger by Appointment was a series of one-on-one conversations and drawing sessions set up in an installation format. The dialogues with Dr.Birger during Corona lock-down were centered on isolation, connectivity, and interdependence or something personal the visitors wanted to talk about.

Dr.Birger visualized the conversations with the participants, incorporating her own responses into the drawings she simultaneously made. Each session lasted approximately 30 minutes.

The drawings are titled by the names of the participants.